Unless African Union knows judiciary countering crimes against humanity is important~ Justice abandons Africans

Absence of judiciary permits genocidal dictatorships and gangs of vicious bullies terrorizing and exploiting villagers with atrocious diabolical deeds occuring in waves and ordinary day~to~day regularity ~
Yet the mainstream media reports near nothing on this!
African nation dictators want International Criminal Court ICC out of Africa~
All out military actions will be the only remaining recourse for countering the ruthless reign of
these monsters~
Magnitude of tragedy looming on Africa’s land mass is horrifying beyond what any other than
thick skinned nummed minds can observe
That’s nothing new~
Cinematic portrayals of violence may have conditioned some or even caused callousness

This might illuminate some clarity on reality in that region~
Consider the late night scenarios on television ads for aid relief for children in Africa~
Save the Children~ etc
Compile that piteous lack of nourishment and medical provisions with machete wielding bullying rapists forcing constant uprooting and aimless fleeing by refugees with no safe destination condoned if not outright directed by nation leaders~

The world community must not don blinders against glaring relentless trauma and suffering caused by vicious senseless cruelty perpetrated by the worst of humanity concentrated in this chronic poverty and famine plagued region of the world~

Desmond Tutu’s devotion countering attrocities against peoples of Africa provides venue for expressing concern over these threats~ He seeks one million citizens signatures from around the world for petitioning the African Union AU~ building and fortifying clout and confidence~ so that ICC can defy opposition by the nation leaders opposing ICC and continue holding court against the myriad crimes threatening individuals~ families~ village groups in some of the most desitute and desperate communities~

Sign that Petition~
Spread the word ~ make this effort reach exponential proportions!

Educate yourselves on the slick sophistry and intellectualized rhetorical debate and controversy
maligning and infesting efforts reaping Justice in Africa~ 
Google~ Desmond Tutu petition

Africa and the International Criminal Court – Chatham House
Chatham House delivery. International Law 2013/01. Africa and the. International Criminal. Court. Max du Plessis, Tiyanjana Maluwa and Annie O’Reilly. July 2013 …


ICC at a glance~
The International Criminal Court (ICC) is an independent, permanent court that tries persons accused of the most serious crimes of international concern, namely genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The ICC is based on a treaty, joined by 122 countries (effective as of 1 May 2013).

The ICC is a court of last resort. It will not act if a case is investigated or prosecuted by a national judicial system unless the national proceedings are not genuine, for example if formal proceedings were undertaken solely to shield a person from criminal responsibility. In addition, the ICC only tries those accused of the gravest crimes.

In all of its activities, the ICC observes the highest standards of fairness and due process. The jurisdiction and functioning of the ICC are governed by the Rome Statute.

‘ICC is bent on humiliating the smaller countries’   
Published: 4 months ago by Staff Reporter (386 Views)

Does the International Criminal Court have a credibility problem?
Monday November 4, 2013, Globe and Mail